Two weeks ago, MarketMatch joined the Ohio Credit Union League inVest48 annual conference. We had a great time connecting with credit unions from across the state of Ohio, some of whom we’ve worked within the past and some of whom were new to us! Plus, one of the great things about a conference like inVest48 is that not everyone we talk to is in the marketing area. In fact, most aren’t!

It’s that kind of position diversity that leads to a variety of conversations with conference goers and seeing different points of view from within their credit union. Which means that, as a marketing-focused firm, while we’re at the conference we’re constantly pivoting our point of view based on who we’re talking to.

The point being, in today’s rapidly changing, digitally focused landscape, marketing is not just the glorified promotions department. Every aspect of credit union business, every decision that is made, impacts what your market sees and how they can react to it. Today, marketing is the chameleon department of the organization. Marketers have to reframe their points of view and react accordingly. What’s more, we need to do it with excellence.

What type of conferences do you like to attend? Do you prefer to be among peers in your department, or among a variety of other players in the your industry?