I recently experienced an “AHA” moment… one that was both very powerful and very EASY to adopt. Here is how it went… Attitude! In one swift motion it,
- drives us…
- defines us…
- motivates us…
- and many times — restricts us
We ALL control our Attitude—in fact, it’s one of the FEW things that we each are able to control for ourselves 100% of the time! For me…I have a much better outcome to life with a positive attitude… I experience fewer hurdles, enjoy my day more, I’m more pleasant to be around and the list goes on…
I recently attended a presentation by Sam Glenn (http://samglenn.com) where he spoke on Attitude. What made the presentation and my “AHA” so powerful, is how simple it is. Your attitude is what you control — not how/when/what things happen to you! Sam is an artist and shares his message via art…starting with a black canvas and creating a powerful visual image entirely in chalk, in person, in front of the crowd. Impressive. But in this presentation, the message of the “light” (our attitude) is what stuck out for me. His on-point, easy to adopt message… was very powerful, and beautifully basic. His three main tenets are:
- Don’t take life too seriously — enjoy life, have laughter and don’t sweat the small stuff. It’s HOW you shape your attitude toward others and life in general that makes the difference.
- Bring your whole heart — share your passions, gain passions from others and when people know you care, they are more receptive to you.
- Share your popcorn — share your gifts, big and small, with all you meet. You never know the impact and become your own tidal wave of giving.
It got me thinking about everyday life. Being an analogy person, my mind went to sports and ways to express it via experiences.
I am a HUGE Ohio State Buckeyes fan…and each and every game there is an O-H-I-O chant that starts and takes over the stadium. You know…I never really gave it much thought about its beginning and impact, but the wave started with ONE person deciding to “share his/her popcorn” and demonstrate their passion. It took over from there! It brought people to their feet, created action, a positive reaction, and changed the paradigm of the moment. Wow!
Here are three take-aways for your daily approach to Attitude:
- Decide — Make the decision to have a positive attitude
- Deliver — Make every attempt to deliver positive attitude in all of your work, meetings and interactions
- Deduct — Make away people and change situations that are not positive to you, your organization or your life
- Depend — Make a positive attitude a MUST HAVE for your writing, calling, emailing, smiling, etc. throughout the day. Remember, it’s a decision that happens one at a time
The Positive Attitude math is pretty simple and exponentially powerful:
Positive Attitude + Life Experiences = Great Outcome10
Will you be the ONE to start the wave at your organization?