Tis the season to ask for stuff!
Tis the season to ask for stuff!
No, not the Holiday Season … Budgeting Season!!!
Why should you have a Marketing Partner on the top of your wish list?
1. You Can’t Do It All
Unless you have a budget for a marketing TEAM … OR you have multiple personalities and each one has a set of very distinctive skills, you can’t be expected to do it all.
It’s hard to find one or two people who can:
- Conduct research
- Analyze data
- Create a strategy
- Budget
- Keep tasks on time, on strategy and on budget
- Segment your market
- Create an impactful creative concept
- Copy write
- Design
- Proofread
- Implement web ideas
- Do print production
- Plan events
- Understand what meaningful public relations is
- Provide engaging social media
- Negotiate media
- Measure and report on results
- Implement front line sales processes
- Define and police your brand
No one person has the time and resources to specialize in and focus on everything. Most times, a sound Marketing Partner can do all of this for roughly the same investment as ONE quality marketing new hire with their own very narrowly-defined set of skills.
2. Perspective
If you’ve ever heard or said, “That’s the way it’s always been done,” start researching marketing firms today!
Sometimes, a fresh set of eyes and an untainted mind can be the best boost to your current efforts. Lets face it, there’s only so many times that you can change the date on last year’s marketing plan and call it complete.
A true Marketing Partner can help you to identify what has worked in the past – what should be continued and/or improved on. They can also help you look at all of the possible tactics and focus on the handful of most impactful ones. With fewer, more disruptive, tactics – you improve the stretch of your budget. With a higher frequency of more tightly segmented campaigns, you improve your return.
They can also help change-up your voice. A fresh creative message can help realign to your brand and increase response rates.
3. Learn From Others
Someone who has been working with community banks and credit unions from all over the country for years and years has experienced a lot.
They’ve seen the very best ideas make Marketers and CEOs look like rock stars and they’ve seen (what really looked like the best) ideas become lessons in what not to do ever again. They’ve seen how to execute strategies at all levels and how to squeeze every dollar out of a budget.
Why not learn from that experience?
So, whether you celebrate Christmas, Hanukkah, Kwanzaa or Festivus, a Marketing Partner at the top of your wish list will make 2015 a year to remember!