I just wrote an article concerning strategic planning for a leading publication for financial services…
As I was researching and planning the article (yep, I even strategically plan for an article on strategic planning!) it dawned on me that the exercise of planning is JUST as important as the plan itself.
I am reminder of a famous quote from Dwight D. Eisenhower…the general and US President… he said:
“In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless, but planning is indispensable!”
When I examine this quote…I realize three important tenants that I have faithfully followed in my own career– and I am paid quite well to help banks and credit unions conduct their planning and visioning projects!
The tenants that I follow are:
- Engage: staff, customers, business partners and in ways that ensure the plan becomes part of their everyday world
- Update: the best plan is reviewed for modifications the very next morning after it is written
- Measure: measure everything, report everything and communicate everything
Look for more articles, insights and planning tips in the coming weeks—
Planning…its just what I do!