After a blissful 7-day cruise over the Easter holiday with my husband, twin sister and brother-in-law, I can’t stop thinking about the service of the crew and what a great impact it had on our vacation experience.
After a blissful 7-day cruise over the Easter holiday with my husband, twin sister and brother-in-law, I can’t stop thinking about the service of the crew and what a great impact it had on our vacation experience.
Regardless of what uniformed person we encountered on the ship, they were committed to making sure we had a great time and were enjoying our vacation. Each waiter in the dining room wanted to ensure that the meal was 100% perfect to our liking. Our stateroom attendant asked us every time he saw us if our room was OK and if we needed anything. The gym staff members brought me a cool towel as I sweated on the treadmill every morning.
These little touches added a lot to our enjoyment of the cruise as we got to know the various crewmembers on the ship when each, in his or her own way, showed us that they truly cared about whether or not we were having a good time.
Of course, it got me thinking about banking. Our customers and members come to us throughout their busy days as a way to live their lives, whether it be to finance a new car, home, vacation, emergency, or save for something they’ve always wanted.
The cruise lines don’t sell cruises – they sell experiences, which is why everyone is focused on the happiness of the guests. They are in the hospitality business, dealing with their passengers’ emotions. Aren’t we as banks and credit unions as well?
Fewer things are more emotional to people than their financial lives. Yet many financial institutions focus their efforts on whether or not the tellers balance and the loan officers fill out their paperwork in the right order. Don’t get me wrong…this stuff is important. But it isn’t the most important thing you do. Taking care of your customers and members IS the most important thing you do. Your relationships with them are vital to the success you have now and in the future.
Picture your lobby as the lido deck and remember that your priority is the people on board. If you show you care about them, genuinely find out their needs, and take great care of them, they’ll never want to leave.
Contact me to learn more about how MarketMatch brings these philosophies to credit unions and community banks across the country.