When you know WHO you are talking to you can better craft your message and offer. Here’s a quick primer and what makes pretty much everyone tick…
When you know WHO you are talking to you can better craft your message and offer. Here’s a quick primer and what makes pretty much everyone tick…
Baby Boomers (1946 – 1964)
Between 49- and 67-years-old.
Shaped By
Rise of communism; Vietnam War; Push for Civil Rights; Start of the space age
Well established in their careers and typically hold positions of authority.
Define themselves by the accomplishments and prestige of the company they work for as much as their own professional accomplishments.
Motivated and hard working.
Mindset of organizing life around work and work around life and working your way to the top.
Grew up before cellphone and computer, they can be easily frustrated by technological advances.
Often prefer doing business/communicating in person rather than through emails and text messages.
It’s critical to have someone available to answer phones 24/7, and if messages are left, return them immediately.
Respond to postcard mailers, seminars and advertisements in newspapers and magazines.
Because many people in this generation are closing in on their retirement years, and thinking of the legacy they will leave behind to their children, they make good investment and life insurance prospects.
Likely Life Stages
Grandparent; Retirement
Generation X (approx. 1965 – 1977)
Between 36- and 48-years-old.
Shaped By
First generation to attend integrated schools; Divorce is common; Reagan Revolution (Conservative era); Fall of the Berlin Wall; No internet or cell phone until after college
Grew up with corporate downsizing, massive layoffs and governmental scandal.
They are adaptable, independent and want to contribute.
They value autonomy, management feedback and recognition.
Come from two income and/or divorced families.
They expect a balance between work and family with concepts life flexible hours and job sharing.
They’re tech-savvy and love to shop in person and online.
While it’s critical that you have a well-functioning website and online tools for information whenever they want it, Xers still appreciate in-person contact for consultation and problem solving.
Generation X expects things to be quick and easy and will likely make up the majority of the online applications.
They are both borrowing for homes, cars and credit cards and saving as their kids are getting older and will soon be heading off to college.
Unlike gen Y, brand prestige alone won’t woo this generation – let them know why your product is a good value.
High value for education and knowledge.
They want to know their kids will be provided for if anything happens to them.
They typically have no problem with more self-driven options and faceless contact points.
Likely Life Stages
Marriage; New Home; Empty Nester; Own a Business
Millennial/Generation Y (approx. 1978 – 1987)
Between 26- and 35-years-old
Shaped By
“Baby on Board” focus on their childhood; 9/11 and increased threat of terrorism; economy defined by tech and mortgage bubble bursts; Grew up with internet and cell phones
The world has catered to this generation; they have the reputation of being the toughest generation to manage. This group expects awards, recognition and success as a right.
Grew up in a culturally diverse school and play environment, are tech-savvy, enthusiastic, self-centered, confident, well networked and achievement-oriented.
Millennials are one of the best-educated generations in history.
Barely remember a world without internet or cell phones.
Growing up with computers means this generation is especially responsive to internet campaigns. They process information quickly and are especially brand loyal.
Gen Y likes innovative marketing approaches and advertising that uses humor or is “outside the box. They do not want to be “marketed to,” they expect to be part of the brand experience.
Many people in this generation are becoming parents for the first time and have needs to move up in housing, family-friendly vehicles and the beginning of future savings.
Likely Life Stages
Marriage; New Baby; School Years; New Home; Own Business
The Internet Generation/Generation Z (approx. mid-1990s & early 2000s)
Generation Z is just now coming of age. Very little is firmly established about the character and motivations of the children of gen X who have grown up in the shadows of Sept. 11 and the wars in Iraq and Afghanistan, as well as access to information through the internet, smartphones, iPod’s, YouTube and Facebook pages. They will likely be even more ambitious and worldly than any other new generation.