Often times, in planning, we want to jump in and start throwing around new ideas, but the fact is that resources are limited.

Before you start adding new initiatives, start with what’s working now. Sometimes your best plan is to do more of what you’re doing today … but better.

Here are some questions you should be asking today.

“Don’t look back, you’re not going that way.”

I don’t believe in it. I prefer…

“The only time you should ever look back, is to see how far you’ve come.”

Believe it or not, it’s time to start planning for 2016. We’re already booking planning sessions for community banks and credit unions.

In the past, we’ve written a lot about the obvious goal of planning – looking ahead to the next year. But, as you start to think about 2016, I’d like for you to look back.

Pre-Planning Session Thoughts
What were your 3-5 most important initiatives this year?

For each program, ask your team:

  • What are the results?
  • How do results compare to goal?
  • What would you do differently?
  • What part of each project would you NEVER change?
  • Should you continue the efforts in 2016?
    • What if it means you can do one less new idea?
  • Would you dedicate more or fewer resources to the project if you continue?
    • Budget
    • People and training
    • Time

Often times, in planning, we want to jump in and start throwing around new ideas, but the fact is that resources are limited.

Before you start adding new initiatives, start with what’s working now. Sometimes your best plan is to do more of what you’re doing today … but better.

For more articles to get you ready for strategic planning, check these out:
Marketing’s Vital Role in Strategic Planning
I know I’m biased, but the Marketing Department, in my opinion, plays the most important role in your upcoming Strategic Planning session.

FOCUS, Momentum, Result
On any given day, there are a million strategies that you can focus on. The trick is to identify the handful of strategies that you should focus on. 

If you find it fun and helpful, please share this blog with your colleagues. Also, check out our YouTube Channel for short video blogs about financial marketing.  

In addition to being a strategic consultant, MarketMatch is also a nationally and internationally requested speaker. Contact us to bring our marketing ideas to your institution or next conference.

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Follow me on Twitter @egagliano