Every day, your team affects lives. This is NOT a “pick up your paycheck on Friday” kinda job. To differentiate yourself from the Evil Empire Big Banks, make sure your entire team understands how vital their role is.

A woman needs $800 for a used car so she can get a new job across town…
Some of the smallest loans we make, make the biggest difference.

A single mom walks in your branch 2 minutes before closing on Friday, racing straight from work so she can deposit her check and pay her utility bills that will keep the water on that weekend…
Some of the most important transactions occur when we’d rather have the doors locked, drawers counted and are heading home.

A young man loses his wallet on Friday night and needs someone to tell him how to safeguard his missing debit and credit card…
Sometimes, we’re needed most outside of normal businesses hours

A high school student lays the foundation of healthy financial fitness when she learns to set a budget and balance a checkbook…
Some of the most important things we do don’t affect the bottom line.

A man, laid off from his job, needs 30-60 days of understanding while he gets back on his feet…
Sometimes, they hurt the bottom line.

Every single day, your team is affecting lives. This is NOT a “pick up your paycheck on Friday” kinda job. We deal with numbers, but this is not cold math.

The most important part of our job is NOT balancing the drawer, meeting loan quotas or even compliance and regulations. The most important part of our job, as community bankers and credit unions, is the human element. It is understanding. It is doing the right thing.

  • Does your staff understand this?
  • Do you spend more time training on operations or personal interaction?
  • Do you reward compassion the same as attention to detail?

I don’t know what brought each person through your front door, but I guarantee it has to do with money. What is more personal and important than that?!? 

Do you want to differentiate yourself from the Evil Empire Big Banks? Make sure your entire team understands how vital their role is.  

  1. Ask the right questions
  2. Listen for the true need
  3. Recommend products, services and advice
  4. Have the autonomy to do the right thing
  5. Reward compassion and solutions
  6. Treat each customer or member as a guest in your home
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