What company created the first:
What company created the first:
Did you answer “Apple” for any of these?
If so, you’re wrong.
While the origins of most technology is debatable, the fact is that Apple was not first to market in any of these groundbreaking segments. So, how is it that they “own” mind share (if not market share) in most categories?
Apple took the tech out of technology. They did not let engineers drive innovation, they let the consumer drive it. They didn’t ask “What can we do,” but rather, “What do they want?”
They didn’t invent the personal computer, but they created the first computer that a typical house wife could use without a programming background.
The iPhone wasn’t first, but it sure was the easiest to use and was by far, the “coolest.” Yes, that mattered a hell of a lot to the Apple brand!!!
In Marketing 101, I learned that being first to market is vital to a product’s brand success – look at Xerox, where the brand name is synonymous with the product category.
But, maybe it’s more about who is first to wide-spread use. Maybe it’s more about who is first to be customer-focused and not just first to market.
What does this mean to you?
- We can’t always afford to lead the way in technology and that’s OK.
- Don’t just jump on tech because everyone else has it. Invest and innovate in areas that YOUR customers need
In the PC’s first days, the target was “geeky” guys who wanted to build their own and do the programming. Apple saw opportunity in a different – broader market and created a machine that anyone could use.
Ask yourself:
- Who is my audience?
- What do they need?
- What tech can help to fulfill that need?
- How can we provide it in a way that is easiest to use?
Then promote the hell out of the BENEFITS, not the technology. Few will care about the tech, but ALL will care about how it makes my life easier.
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