“Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.” -Michael Burke

“Good instincts usually tell you what to do long before your head has figured it out.” -Michael Burke


Training, experience, and sound decision making using strategic roadmaps and ROI numbers are crucial to being a successful marketer in any industry.

There are many degrees and advanced degrees in marketing, but something that isn’t taught in marketing classes or given much credence in books is the power (and art) of listening to your instincts.
This trait is essentially vital to pioneering marketers: ones who try what has never been tried before at their financial institutions or even in the industry.  What I have found over many years in financial marketing is that trusting your instincts is the number one quality successful marketers all possess.
You can have every piece of sound data you need, approval from all of the right people, but you’re never sure if what you’re about to try is going to work.  This is where that gut instinct comes in.  Your instincts are that loud voice inside that says “I know this must be done.” 


Whether it is in choosing to market to a niche group of people, launching a new product or service, remodeling your location(s), or another big change at your institution, instincts play a vital role in creativity and innovation.  The earlier you start trusting your instincts, the more successful you will be as a marketer, and the more successful your organization will be for your leadership.


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