Friday’s typically signal the end of the work week…however, let’s take THIS Friday to make a difference! Let’s find a spark…

A Friday Spark…






Friday’s typically signal the end of the work week…however, let’s take THIS Friday to make a difference! Let’s find a spark…








/spärk/  To ignite.  An intense feeling.

A spark can be a small idea that has the potential to grow into a game changing, why-didn’t-we-think-of-this-earlier, motivating idea… it just needs a start and then to be fanned while it grows.

Where can you find a spark?  All around you…

Here are several “starting points” to find your spark:





  • Customer/member comment cards
  • Conversations with new account or teller staff
  • Listening to customer/member calls into the call center
  • Website comments
  • Visiting competitor websites
  • Visiting the mall and seeing what other “retailers” are doing
  • Brainstorming with your team

The key concept here is that it is LESS about the process and MORE about being open to ideas.   I use the car analogy… recently a friend shared that the first car they “loved” was a white Infinity G35.  Cool car.  I had not seen any around.  This week, I have seen no fewer than 10 white Infinity G35’s.  Why?  was their a large production run?  Nope. I was just OPEN to seeing it.

It’s Friday…relax a bit. Let your mind wander…and find your spark.  It could change your week next week in exciting and profound ways!!







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